The Objective paper of Accounts, Business Studies, Economics, History, Political Science, Geography, Sociology, Psychology etc are being conducted for the first time in Delhi University. There are no previous year papers for this Entrance Test. The questions will be from the entire syllabus of NCERT and not from just Term 1 or Term 2.
The MCQs will have to be solved in 1 minute each, rather than 3 minutes as in Boards First term paper. The level of difficulty of the paper will be much higher than level of same subjects in CBSE Exams. CUET domain test will be a National Level Paper where the competition will be 10X as compared to the previous years.
Domain Subject related online classes till CUET
Practice questions (Without Timer) after each class to practice the topics taught.
Speed Tests (With timer) after each class to practice the questions of the topics taught.
Sectional Tests of mix Topics to attempt the sections of CUET individually.
Full length Mock Tests with all the Domains and GAT with National Level Rank.
Self evaluation tool to check on your mock attempt and improvement curve.