The General Body of the Consortium of National Law Universities met on the 12th June, 2021 and resolved as follows:
1. CLAT-2021 will be held on Friday, 23rd July, 2021 between 2 & 4 PM for both UG and PG programmes.
2. As notified earlier, the CLAT 2021 will be a Pen and Paper exam conducted at Centres with all COVID 19 safety protocols being observed.
3. Candidates for the LL.M. programme in CLAT 2021 are hereby informed that the examination will include only 120 MCQs to be answered in 120 minutes. There will be no Descriptive Section in CLAT 2021.
4. In view of avoiding longer travel to the Test Centres, applicants will be given a chance to revisit their preference of Test Centre after last date of submission of filled-in-application. The Consortium as far as possible will try to adjust first or second preference of the Test Centre. Hence, you are advised to keep visiting the Consortium website.
5. The candidates are advised to get themselves vaccinated.
6. Further details with regard to Centres and Protocols shall be notified shortly.
7. Any requests for assistance or for clarifications may be directed to:
Phone: 080 47162020 (between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.) on all working days.
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