July 2021 – January 2022
Mental Ability (Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning)
Reading Comprehension
Critical Reasoning
Current Affairs
Business Awareness
Personality Development
To develop interest in Aptitude, Vocabulary (Word Power), Reading Habits, Current Affairs and Business Awareness. Also, to enhance the overall personality of the child and to make the student more outward thinking.
Introduction to beginner’s level aptitude question by discussing multiple types of question formats.
Every Sunday | 2nd and 4th Saturday [Excluding gazetted holidays]
Mental Ability | Every Week |
Personality Development | Every 2 Weeks |
Current Affairs | Every Week |
Vocabulary + Reading | Every Week |
*Note: The frequency of the PDP classes will be increased during the months of December and January.
Mental Ability:
Speed Calculations, Unitary Method Arithmetic, Average, Percentage, Ratio, Data Interpretation, Analytical reasoning etc.
Vocabulary + Reading:
Etymology Based Words, Confusing Words, Words through Passage, Reading Comprehension, Prefixes, Suffixes, Combined words, grouped words etc.
Current Affairs/Business Awareness:
Current Affairs of the current / gone month(s), Business Awareness of the current / gone month(s).
Mental Ability (Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning)
Reading Comprehension
Critical Reasoning
Current Affairs
Business Awareness
Personality Development
1. EduMENTOR Edge Test
Every Sunday, a one-hour test would be conducted at end of the class. This is to ensure that both you and institute are aware about your efforts and progress in following areas-
• Current Affairs (Know your Newspaper)
Based on daily updates on the EduMENTOR Website and weekly news through Newspapers.
• Vocabulary Development
Based on Vocabulary Material given + Vocabulary Updates on Website / WhatsApp.
2. Revision of class test on the EduAPP
3. Practice of vocabulary on the EduAPP
• App login
• Attendance summary of the child (on app)
• Performance mapping of the student (on app)
April 2022 – June 2022
Quantitative Aptitude
Logical Reasoning
Current Affairs
General Knowledge
Business Awareness
Revision Tests
Speed Tests
To understand and comprehend the concepts of various subjects.
Development of basic aptitude by discussion and solving level 1 and 2 type questions. Course Completion till June – 2022.
From April – May : All Sundays | June : 6 Days a week
Quantitative Aptitude | Every week |
Logical Reasoning | Every week |
Current Affairs | Every week |
Verbal Ability | Every week |
Quantitative Aptitude – Basic
Verbal Ability – 1
Verbal Ability – 2
Logical Reasoning
General Knowledge – 2022 Edition
Business Awareness – 2022 Edition
Current Affairs – 2022 Edition
Class Assignments - 2022
Solution Book
1. Daily website updates on current affairs
You are required to study daily current affairs updates from the EduMENTOR website (edumentor.co.in) as a test will be conducted every Sunday from the News of previous week and Current Affairs section on the EduMENTOR website.
2. Weekly vocabulary booklets [EduTANTRA]
You will be given a set of vocabulary booklets which you are required to study one booklet per week. A test of these words will be conducted weekly, i.e. every Sunday.
3. EduMENTOR Edge Test
Every Sunday, a one-hour test would be conducted at end of the class. This is to ensure that both you and institute are aware about your efforts and progress in following areas-
• Current Affairs (Know your Newspaper)
Based on daily updates on the EduMENTOR Website and weekly news through Newspapers.
• Vocabulary Development
Based on Vocabulary Material given + Vocabulary Updates on Website / WhatsApp.
4. Online KYN revision
• App login
• Attendance summary of the child (on app)
• Performance mapping of the student (on app)
July 2022 – December 2022
Quantitative Aptitude
Verbal Ability
Logical Reasoning
Current Affairs
General Knowledge
Business Awareness
To revise the already taught topics and build upon them for higher level of difficulty, practice of IIM and BMS Level type questions, develop the habit of daily news reading and comprehensive vocabulary development and to develop stamina to attempt various speed, revision and Mock Tests.
First revision of entire syllabus, practice of additional questions, practice of IIM Level and BMS Level questions.
Quantitative Aptitude | Every Weekend |
Logical Reasoning | Every Weekend |
Verbal Ability | Every Weekend |
General Knowledge | Every Weekend |
Current Affairs | Every Week |
EduEMNTOR Edge Test | Every 2 Weekes |
Quantitative Aptitude – Basic
Quantitative Aptitude – Advance
Verbal Ability – 1
Verbal Ability – 2
Logical Reasoning
General Knowledge – 2022 Edition
Business Awareness – 2022 Edition
Current Affairs – 2022 Edition
Class Assignment Book (SOHA Advance)
Solution Book
Additional Practice Material of Verbal Ability – 1
Additional Practice Material of Verbal Ability – 2
Additional Practice Material of Logical Reasoning
1. Online Weekly Revision Test
An online weekly revision Test of the previous class(es) will be conducted and will be scored in order to assess your progress. This Online Revision Test (ORT) will contain 20 questions and will not be timed.
2. Online Weekly Speed Test
In order to further strengthen your learnings of the class(es) held, a speed test of 30 minutes will be held weekly online, wherein you will have to attempt 30 questions for Exam Oriented Preparation.
3. Daily website updates on current affairs
You are required to study daily current affairs updates from the EduMENTOR website (edumentor.co.in) as a test will be conducted every Sunday from the News of previous week and Current Affairs section on the EduMENTOR website.
4. Weekly vocabulary booklets
you will be given a set of vocabulary booklets which you are required to study one booklet per week. A test of these words will be conducted weekly, every Sunday. (Syllabus for test to be given later).
5. EduMENTOR Edge Test
Every Sunday, a one-hour test would be conducted at end of the class. This is to ensure that both you and institute are aware about your efforts and progress in following areas-
• Current Affairs (Know your Newspaper)
Based on daily updates on the EduMENTOR Website and weekly news through Newspapers.
• General Knowledge & Business Awareness
Syllabus for this test is to be given later in the course.
• Vocabulary Development
Based on Vocabulary Material given + Vocabulary Updates on Website / WhatsApp.
• App login
• Attendance summary of the child (on app)
• Performance mapping of the student (on app)
Aftre Boards Exams 2023 – DUJAT/CUCET 2023
Quantitative Aptitude
Verbal Ability
Logical Reasoning
Current Affairs
General Knowledge
Business Awareness
To revise the already taught topics and further polish the concepts to be used in the upcoming entrance examinations. Final revision of all the topics to leave no stone unturned and build real time strategies in the examination hall by attempt of various sectional/speed/revision tests and Mock Tests and Doubt and revision classes.
Second Revision of entire syllabus, practice of additional questions, practice of IIM Level and BMS Level Questions.
Quantitative Aptitude | 3 Classes per Week |
Logical Reasoning | 3 Classes per Week |
Current Affairs | 2 Classes per Week |
Verbal Ability / Vocabulary | 2 Classes per Week |
Personality development | Individual Interview Preparation |
Quantitative Aptitude – Basic
Quantitative Aptitude – Advance
Quantitative Aptitude - BMS Special Math
Verbal Ability – 1
Verbal Ability – 2
Logical Reasoning
General Knowledge – 2021 Edition
Business Awareness – 2023 Edition
Current Affairs – 2023 Edition
Class Assignment Book (SOHA Advance)
Solution Book
Class Assignment Book (SOHA Final)
1. Online Revision Test
An online revision test of the class(es) will be conducted and will be scored in order to assess your progress. This Online Revision Test (ORT) will contain 20 questions and will not be timed.
2. Online Speed Test
In order to further strengthen your learnings of the class(es) held, a speed test of 30 minutes will be held, wherein you will have to attempt 30 questions for exam- oriented preparation.
3. Daily website updates on current affairs
You are required to study daily current affairs updates from the EduMENTOR website (edumentor.co.in).
• App login
• Attendance summary of the child (on app)
• Performance mapping of the student (on app)